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George Jiang – Jasper52-April/15/2024李苦禅大弟子江河《总领群芳》牡丹画精品遗作Li Kuchan’s great disciple Jiang He’s masterpiece of peony painting “General Leader of the Fragrances”

李苦禅大弟子江河《总领群芳》牡丹画精品遗作Li Kuchan’s great disciple Jiang He’s masterpiece of peony painting “General Leader of the Fragrances”尺寸(690mmX1050mm)“Peony rises alone from the tower” is the inscription praised by Qi Baishi’s most proud disciple Li Kuchan for Jianghe peony paintings.Jiang He (1934-2018), a generation of peony painting masters in China, studied under Li Kuchan, a master of Chinese painting, for eight years.

Jianghe’s 4-foot bucket and 4 square-foot white peonies were sold for 450,000 yuan at the charity auction of the “Great Chinese Culture Global Association” in Hong Kong in 2007.